Saturday, February 10, 2007


Husbands generally grow very tender after ten years of marriage. However, any chunk of meat gets tender if you out in hot water for long enough.

Calculated Risk

Marriage is a big gamble for a man. But for a woman, marriage is no gamble. It's a calculated risk.

Thin and Fat

When I took the marriage vows I was told that I would go through thick and thin. I didn't realize that I would also have to go through thin and fat.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Nice to be Married....

It's nice to be married. To be able to relax, sit and the couch with a glass of beer in your hand and all your wife's favourite programmes.

Better to have Loved

It is better to have loved and lost thatn to be married and bossed.


When a newly married man looks happy we know why. But when a ten-year married man looks happy - We wonder why.

Love is a Quest

A lecturer delivering a talk on the demoralizing effect of legal seperation said, "Love is a quest; the proposal a request; the giving in marriage a bequest; the actual marriage, a conquest."

"What is a divorce?" a voice from back asked.

Swift as lightning came the reply,"Ah, that's the inquest."
Copyrighted @2006 by Marriage Jokes. All jokes are copyrighted. Do not republish these jokes without permission.